Welcome to the 19th issue of Geospatial Jobs, a career newsletter focusing on data science and geosciences (🌧climatetech, 🌽agtech, 🌊risk modeling, ⚡️energy, 🛰remote sensing, ♻️sustainability, and more). To check out the previous issues, please click here.
This is the last issue of Geospatial Jobs in 2021 🎄, and I hope to share the 20th issue in mid-January 2022. Looking back at 2021, it is wonderful to see that the newsletter has got traction with ~1400 subscribers now, and I surely feel privileged and lucky to have a small positive impact on your geospatial job haunting journey.
The job market considerably slows down in December, and many companies wait until next year to resume hirings. Notably, the job market takes off in mid-January and February, and there are usually a multitude of open positions then. While I encourage you to keep looking for jobs and stay motivated, I think one best practice for the next few weeks is to work on your skills and prepare case studies that you can share with the community (to enhance your personal branding) or potential future employers. If you are interested in a specific sector (e.g. agtech) and you have seen that most positions require certain skills (e.g. deep learning and satellite imagery), now is a good time to focus on them. You can take an online course (or just follow Youtube tutorials) for such. For instance, experience with timeseries forecasting can be required in many geospatial jobs, and you can work on a case study for that.
A great resource for improving data science skills is through participating in online data challenges. Luckily, there are a few ones that you can currently participate in:
Cloud cover detection (Microsoft AI for Earth & Radiant Earth Foundation): Link
Shell.ai hackathon on AI solar power prediction: Link
H2O.ai Wildfire & Bushfire Challenge: Link
Happy holidays 🥳 (in advance) and I wish you a wonderful year ahead. Keep learning!
Ali Ahmadalipour
Open Positions:
a. Data Science / ML Engineering positions:
🇺🇸 X, the moonshot factory, is hiring a Research Scientist: Ocean Simulation, Project Tidal (Mountain View, CA): Link
🇺🇸 Azavea is hiring a Software Engineer - Geospatial Applications Team: Link
🇺🇸 Planet is hiring two Geospatial Software Engineer (San Francisco, CA and Berlin): Link
🇺🇸 Descartes Labs is hiring a Sales Engineer: Link
🇺🇸 Liberty Mutual Insurance is hiring an Analyst/Sr. Analyst, Risk and Capital Analytics (Boston, MA): Link
🇺🇸 MunichRe is hiring a Catastrophe Research Analyst (Princeton, NJ): Link
🇺🇸 Travelers is hiring a Director, Climate Science (Hartford, CT): Link
🇺🇸 Arbol is hiring for multiple positions (New York, NY):
🇺🇸 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is hiring a Climate Vulnerability Analyst (Washington, DC): Link
🇺🇸 PARC, a Xerox Company is hiring a Research And Development Engineer (Palo Alto, CA): Link
McKinsey & Company is hiring two positions:
🇺🇸 Booz Allen Hamilton is hiring an Energy and Climate Analyst, Senior (Washington, DC): Link
🇺🇸 Breakthrough Energy is hiring a Research Scientist: Link
🇺🇸 Haley & Aldrich is hiring a Earth Data Scientist and Remote Sensing Engineer: Link
🇺🇸 Trailstone Group is hiring a Meteorologist (Austin, TX): Link
🇺🇸 Kairos Aerospace is hiring a GIS Data Analyst (Bay Area, CA): Link
🇺🇸 Berkeley Lab (LBNL) is hiring a Geophysical Imaging Data Scientist: Link
🇫🇮 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is hiring a Research Team Leader, Remote Sensing: Link
b. Postdoc / research positions:
🇺🇸 Berkeley Lab (LBNL) is hiring a CASCADE Climate Statistics Postdoctoral Scholar: Link
🇺🇸 WHOI is hiring 10 tenure-track scientific staff across departments: Link
🇺🇸 Woodwell Climate Research Center is hiring River Water Quality & Data Analyst: Link
🇺🇸 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is hiring an R&D Associate Staff Member in Water-Energy Nexus Analysis: Link
🇺🇸 IRI (Columbia University) is hiring an Intermediate Software Developer: Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position (NSF and NASA funded) on building energy use and WRF modeling available at Iowa State University: Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position focused on agroecosystems modeling in the Lower Mississippi River Basin available at Arkansas State University: Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position (NSF funded) on the intersection of roots, rock, regolith, and climate supervised by Alejandro Flores at Boise State University: Link
🇺🇸 Multiple postdoc positions on projects related to water, sustainability, and people working with Sam Zipper at Kansas Geological Survey: Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position at the University of Georgia (UGA): Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position on Ecological Data Science Instruction available at University of Arizona: Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position on Hydrologic Analysis and Environmental Science Education available at Purdue University: Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position in hydropower available Colorado School of Mines: Link
🇺🇸 Postdoc position (DOE funded) on groundwater tracers and uranium available at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Link
🇬🇧 Postdoc position focused on wildfire impacts on human health available at University of Cambridge: Link
🇪🇺 Multiple positions available at ECMWF: Link
🇨🇭 Postdoc position on integrating multidisciplinary data to assess the impacts of global changes in a large European lake available at EPFL: Link
🕵️💵 Companies to Follow (recent fundings):
ICEYE, a Finland-based provider of synthetic aperture radar imaging, raised GBP18.9M ($25M)
Tomorrow.io, a developer of a hyper-local weather forecasting platform, plans to go public via SPAC merger in a deal valued at $1.2B. Learn more
Sensible Weather has raised $4M in seed funding (bringing the company’s total financing to approximately $10M) to help travel and hospitality companies account for weather disruptions. Learn more
Demex, a Washington DC-based climate risk startup, raised $9M in Series A funding. Learn more
📚📖 Useful Resources:
A short overview of key Github commands and how to start with Git: Link
Tips and tricks for using Google Earth Engine: Link
How to install Python - Geopandas in Windows - Tutorial: Link
📨💡 Suggestions and feedbacks are most welcome! Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter. To learn more about my background, visit http://ali.people.ua.edu/.
Can you please share some intern opportunities next time?